We offer acupuncture as a complementary treatment modality for a variety of equine conditions. Prescribed treatments are neuroanatomically based with emphasis on generalized body soreness/stiffness, lameness, saddle fit discomfort, equine foot pain, equine...
Digital radiography allows instant visualization of x-rays. Results are read instantly, and radiographs can also be manipulated to provide optimal contrast and brightness. Digital radiography also allows electronic storage and transmission of images. BEMC is equipped...
The Artemis Non-Invasive Regenerative Therapy (NRT) laser is one of the most powerful therapy devices available for veterinary use and the only one that can treat with both NRT and RIM therapy. This distinguishes the Artemis from the many other cold laser therapies on...
Our clinicians use ultrasound extensively for reproductive work and to diagnose a variety of injuries and conditions. Our team has received specialized training in both performing ultrasounds and interpreting results. Ultrasound allows us to look at different internal...
Extracorporeal shock wave therapy uses short but intense energy waves to treat a variety of conditions in horses. Research and anecdotal results support its use for suspensory ligament desmitis, chronic muscle soreness (back pain) and fibrosis, tendonitis,...
The Lameness Locator by Equinosis allows for the highly sensitive detection of movement abnormalities and subtle lameness. It consists of three wireless gyrometers (movement sensors) that attach to the horse’s poll area, pelvis, and right fore pastern. These sensors...
A Message From Bend Equine Medical Center To Our Small Animal Division Clients
As of March 31, 2023, Bend Equine Medical Center will be discontinuing our small animal veterinary division other than chiropractic and acupuncture. As always, we continue to proudly serve as Central Oregon's premier equine hospital and offer around-the-clock care for your horses and equids.
You and your pets are close to our hearts and we are honored you trusted us with their care over the past decade. Please contact us to have your pets' records transferred to your new small animal veterinarian.